Friday, March 6, 2009

大家好!又是星期三,有我SeeMun 和Woantze。今天不是去trade sampling.我们要去的是P.Ramlee的家,P.Ramlee 长大的地方。首先,与道路行的学生,二话不说,我们赶紧走上前去打招呼,介绍我们是红牛特工队(Red Bull Sampling Team), 简称ME。讲解一番红牛(Redbull)的功能,他们是乎了解。在毫无问题之下,我们从特务包里拿了一罐冰冷的红牛少25% 糖分的(RBX)给他们补充体力。再来,我们继续寻找我们的目标,“就是一群疲惫的人”。同样的给予解释说红牛能带给他们的好处!!!然后,夹着帅帅的terry,我们来到一个建筑工地。他们都没听过红牛少25%糖分。我们的到来就像是天使般!他们满脸笑容地要求放下100罐,这可吓坏我们了。他们时常饮用红牛原装(RBG)可是却不清楚RBG到底有些什么。这时,就发挥我们的功用,把红牛的成分、功用、效果都套在他们日常生活,他们都明白了。 语毕!!!

energizing student .. =p

Construction worker listening to Woantze.. He never tried RBX before.. So, we are glad to introduce him the less sugar version.. enjoy your drink, sir!!

Why dont you sample me first? The worker is starring at the can.. i want that too..

We continued to sample people at sports in evening.
Penang Free School Football team. (President Cup)

Till we blog again..Tschuss……(bye bye in German)


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