Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Greetings from Penang ME ..

Hello 大家好!On Duty 的今天有我 Agnes (Pei Yean) 和我的搭档 Pei Ni。 又是炎热的一天,这样我们的任务又简单多了,这会有更加多的人“需要”红牛 Red Bull 来帮助他们更有精力的工作。

我们今天的mission是要cover Jalan Sungai Pinang 的那地区。很开心来到Volvo Service Centre,那有一位认识的漂亮小姐,他很friendly主动带我们去sample他那呢的员工。然我们顺利的完成任务。。遇到“员人”嘛!!谢谢你咯美女!!

Pei Ni "Peace..."

Becareful Pei Ni.. watch out for the car (on top of your head).. She was focusing in her work

Agnes energizing car mechanic..

Ready to GOooo.. Red Bull BULLEH..
Red Bull Bottle can be closed and opened easily..highly recommended for drivers

Seriously reading ME blog written on mission brief..

This guy needs Red Bull..

休息后,我们继续下一站Delima Park去sample运动的人。


Can i offer you a can of Red Bull!! Help to improve focus and reaction speed.

Target group..active sport players..

21 March 2009 (Sat). PTPL Penang Open Day. Mobile energizers on duty - Wennie and Milo.

It was a warm afternoon. Sweat --;
Wennie offered a can of Red Bull Less Sugar to PTPL staff..

Next station.. Youth Park.. we met our brother!

Break Time .. posing with luxurious GREEN

Milo turn..

Wennie introduced Red Bull Less Sugar to a busy dad that looked after his son (on right)

Milo "Encik sudah lari berapa round??
Vitamin B dalam Red Bull boleh bantu encik tingkatkan stamina !!"

Sampled ice-cream man before leaving Youth Park.. Peace!!

Penang ME signing off!!

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