Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its mun mun & Dian's Day out!

Hello hello everyone....!

Today, mobile energizers on duty are none other than mun mun & Dian.. ;)

After the normal set up & briefing for the day we headed off to our destination in KL, which is..
Tasik Perdana! Woohoo...

Well.. the first thing we did when we reached was to find a suitable & LEGAL parking (very important..don't wanna end up with a summon!) and...Camho! Hihi..

Here's pics of us doing what we do best..Pose!

Ok..enough of posing for the moment & time to energize the folks in this area..
Aha! Whats that?! A monkey sign?...Did Tara send us here to sample monkeys or humans?!

Since its a bit early for sports sampling we headed to a KTM office nearby to sample the working adults...Unfortunately everyone was too busy so we were not allowed to sample despite our persuasive ways.. :(

So Sad!

Feeling sad, we continued on to the park area & a sign in front caught our eye..
This perk us up so we continued on with renewed vigor & spirit!
Just what we needed! Ahaks.. ;)

Walking on the way back to the car we saw a few tired looking tourists at the Masjid Negara..
Grabbing this opportunity to sample & energize them, we approached them & educated them all about the benefits of Redbull! Yeay!

At the park, we noticed a small equestrian nearby & went to check it out..
We also took this opportunity to energize the stable guys & the guards on horses!..we also made friends with the horses!

That done we headed on to the jogging path to energize the joggers & people out exercising!

Argh! Tara..we need insect repellent! There's loads of mosquitoes here! Me & Dian donated way too much blood & we have the scars to prove it! Sob sob scratch scratch :(

Despite this little setback, we still continued on Energizing & sampling..we even came across a few national runners! Wow..what luck!

Once we're done, we started back home & of course some last minute camhoring!
Its a good thing the camera battery ran out or we'd have camhored non stop! Hihi


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