Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Becky & Carmen

Hi again everybody~~~
How is your week so far ?

We have been busy energizing the Kota Kinabalu folks over here~~! This week it was our mini missions to spread the brand awareness by 'spamming' trade venues with POSM! (ehem~ we are just kidding with spamming~~ we ask for permission!)

Becky & Carmen have been working this week with the target area of Kg Air & Asia City. KK have been raining! Its hot in the morning and rained in the afternoon~ how about your place?

Red Bull Malaysia

We sampled at prepaid shop ~ (no no~ the consumer is not angry ^^;; he was focusing on the sampling explaination)

Red Bull Malaysia

Dental office (friendly people~~! the doctor and staff are really kind and listen to us well ^^), mini-marts, pharmacy, travel offices among others.

Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia

working break~~ Becky spent her break taking pictures of herself ..kekekkekeke *u looked pretty laaa~~*

Red Bull Malaysia

Spamming time~~! when we saw an outlet that sell Red Bull but no posters or stickers, we ask permission to do so and post the stickers are visible area =D

Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia
Its been fun ~~ see you guys !


p/s: oh yeah! our coordinator said that we are looking for new team members! if you would like to join us and you are based in Kota Kinabalu, leave a message with your email address via the comment and she will contact you!..our job is exciting oneee~~ serious we are very friendly people..hihihihiiiii

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