Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kota Kinabalu City Day !

Hi again~
Leo finally recovered from his serious accident! We missed him so much and was just in time for Kota Kinabalu's City Day event last 28th February and 1st March ^^ (by the way how exciting it was that this year's February only have 28 day? its pretty rare no?)

Red Bull Malaysia
Becky, Pet & Zita on duty 28th February ^^

Anyhoo~ we were so busy last weekend ~! we were at Padang Merdeka for two event, City Run and Paintball Tournament!

Red Bull Malaysia

We sampled them before the start of the event as Red Bull allow athletes/runners to peak their performance up to 25% longer! It also stimulates metabolism, increases concentration and reaction speed (especially for Paintball). interesting note, we actually spotted one paintball team purchasing one carton of Red Bull and when asked, they said they always buy one in preparation before the games.WUAH~~~ ^^

The paintball event was exciting as the participants came from all over including Labuan. And for the run, there were many runners participating from all walks of like. We estimated there is about 1000 runners or even more!

It was a really busy weekend indeed but it was really fun! We hope the next ME outing will be a paintball game ? *hint-hint-nudge-nudge-eeza*

Red Bull Malaysia
Ray with one of the Sabah team

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