Monday, March 16, 2009

Blossom Spring in Penang

Haloo.. TAI KAR HO!! wa shi Wennie.. wa shi Wan Zhi..wa lang shi ANG GU (Red Bull) Mobile Energizer!! (In Hokkein "Hello. How are you? I'm Wennie.. I'm Woan Tze.. We are Red Bull Mobile Energizer!!") In Penang.. people call Red Bull.. ANG GU..which mean red cow..

Wennie accesing driver energy level..

First Mission --- sampled weary lorry drivers waiting for their turn to unload stocks at Sunshine Bayan Baru. They have been waiting since this morning.. Auwww (sleepy). No worries Apek (Sir in Hokkien), ANG GU can keep you awake and alert while driving, give you extra boost of energy!!

SAKURA.. cherry blossom spring.. Penang Mobile Energizer Team fly to JAPAN !!!

Photos grab from Penang Blogger.. thanks for great pictures..KAM SIAA
Look's not in JAPAN.. but in PENANG..
Location: Opposite PISA

Jeng Jeng Jeng.. introducing ANG GU Less Sugar, Gold and Bottle..
with their two "TAI KO" behind..

wa shi Wan Zhi.. PMET grab the opportunity to snap few shoot with BEauTifuL flowering bloom.. We are on the way to PISA to sample exhibitors of FOOD Festival..

wa shi Wennie..

wa lang shi ANG GU Mobile Energizer!!

wa shi TERRY (sampling car).. on carpet of flowers.. WOW ... and 'leng lui' sitting on me..

Enough of snapping photos.. Next, we continue with our 2nd mission..
Energizing exhibitors and chefs at Penang Food Fest held in PISA.

Oh yes.. im very tired.. look at my eye bags.. So lucky, to see you here..
Red Bull is my life saver.. coz i need energy to compete in the "Battle of Chef" later.

Sample exhibitor.. Red Bull "Life Saver" gives you energy to work extra miles

we were shocked when this cute guy tried to imitate Red Bull Less Sugar Snatch Thief TVC...Alamak... watch too much TV.. influence by the advert

That all for now..till we blog again ..Sayonara!!

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