Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mountain Bike Event on 8th March

Hi ... Jasmin and Edwina were on duty today.
Well .... have you ever experience the thrill of mountain biking?
It is such a great way to explore the outdoors and exciting too watching it.

ME girls went to Masja early this morning, to sample bikers and officials with Red Bull.
Provided them with the much needed energy and WINGS to GO GO GO!!

The start/finish point ....

Before the start of the race, RED BULL is a must to energize the participants ~ ** Red Bull increases concentration, reaction speed and increase physical endurance in sports.

Getting prepared to experience the challenge ...

Wasn't that Edwina trying to snap a shot before the start of the race... hey Edwina, be careful don't get hit by the bikes!!!

Everyone tried a can of Red Bull and once again the Red Bull sampling girls brought joy to the active sportsmen/sportswomen in Kuching =)

Signing off,
Vivian **

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