Monday, March 16, 2009

ME visits Padungan

Padungan, a trade area which consists of many shops and offices,
is a good place for us to do sampling this afternoon!!
Working adults and business owners were our target consumers,
we'll crashed into their offices to give them a BIG BANG SURPRISE!! ^ ^

We silently tip toed into their offices, no matter how busy they were.... like BEEZ
Cheerful smiles greatly appeared when they saw our shadows.
Because we're there to energize them and relax their soul. COOL ^ ^

We went to DBKU office, a couple of the staff were standing outside,
to welcome us?

woooo ... of course not ^ ^ they were taking a break outside the office compound and were surprised to see us.

Some workers were loading stocks and seen sweating and lack of energy, so we took the chance to let them experience the POWER of Red Bull ....

~ Hello sir, good afternoon ........Michelle started her conversation with consumers ~

After we sampled the working people here, we saw many runners in the park.
Hence, we grabbed this opportunity to sample them as well .... we knew that they were our FANS since they knew us very well already ... HIHI!! ^ ^

Most of them were uncles and aunties, such a health conscious group of consumers.

~ Oh no ... did u notice this consumer's LONG BLUE NAIL holding RBX ??~
~wow wow wow ~

Enjoyed drinking Red Bull before they started their workout!!
Kambateh Uncles .... you could run for a few rounds without feeling tired ^ ^

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