Monday, March 30, 2009

MEs went to Fire Station

Greetings!! ^ ^
Hi, we went to fire station at Muara Tabuan last week,
I guess it was the right time for us to go there as the firemen & firewomen were having training under the burning afternoon sun. Sweating and lack of oomph!!!

Red Bull should be very helpful for them as it can help to:

  • regulate their body temperature
  • improve their concentration and reaction speed to perform better in their training
  • regulate stress when under pressure to perform rescue effort
  • aid on their recovery after strenuous training


Here is where they started their difficult and intense training .... Jia You (add oil)!!!

After their training ... we sampled and educated them on the functions of Red Bull
even though they were tired, they still listened to our explaination diligently....GOOD!! ^ ^

~ Kendy offering each and everyone of them a chilled & opened can of RED BULL ^ ^
they were so happy and LOVE it ... hahaha!! ~

CHeeRs =)

Besides, we took the opportunity to sample the officers as well.

This firewoman trying Red Bull Less Sugar!!

Hope that we were able to lighten their training day by energizing them with RED BULL!!!

ME Kuching

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