Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beauty Salons and Baskin Robbins!

Hi everyone!

Sally here, the new ME doing the rounds with Zecca, the crazy ME!

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I'm the one on the right, Zecca's on the left!

After our usual rounds of checking and loading the mini we set off for another day of energizing tired people who need a little pick-me-up!

We went around USJ today and was a little disappointed when we saw USJ 3 and 4 was a little quiet but luckily USJ 10 was packed and FULL of cars.

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Look at all those cars!

Baby Cooper looks so small next to some of these other cars =P

We went to almost every shop there was in that area including...

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a pet shop,

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a car accessory shop,

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a beauty salon,

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and even a spa centre!

The best stop of the day however?

No doubt about it, it was Baskin Robbins - the people there were really sweet and nice and all around wonderful!

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The wonderful people at Baskin Robbins

Oh, and they also gave us free ice-cream! =D

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Hehehehe! =P

Just one of the many perks of being an ME girl =D

Till next time, this is Sally and Zecca... Signing off!

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Byeeeee! =P


zecca said...

hahaha..that was me..with black t shirt

zecca said... not that crazy..haha

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