Friday, January 11, 2008

Posing and Parks!

Hello! It's Lynn again, writing in today to introduce our newest Mobile Energizer Jaz!

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That's the two of us (I'm the prettier one on the right hehe... Just kidding! =P) driving off for another day of energizing!

Hari ini we went to go sampling kat Subang Recreational Park, which is a pretty new experience for us :D

At first it felt weird to sample people around there so we decided to get more comfortable by camwhoring a little first! Hehehehe…

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Hehe... Okok back to work otherwise sure kena marah!

We had a bit of a problem at the park because everytime we sampled people they keep thinking we are trying to sell them stuff! We had to explain to them that what we do is sampling and then suddenly EVERYONE wants a can!

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We even had to jog alongside some of them to tell them all about Red Bull! That's easier said than done you know... Our sampling bags aren't light, ok? =P

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So anyway after what turned out to be a really tiring but what was quite fun sampling session over at the parks it was time to head back to the office to write to you!

Jaz and Lynn signing off! Don't miss us too much, ya? *muaks*

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