Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Partying at Palate Palette!

Five of us writing in to you this time because today's post is very, very special =)

Last night, the cool people from Red Bull actually took us out for a night of fun at the very cool Palate Palette!

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Jaz, Lynn, Tara, Zecca and Amelia

Since the next day was a public holiday, our Mamasan decided that it would be a good time to take us out since we've been such good girls to her so far, going out and energizing people all over Klang Valley.

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Us girls with our Mamasan in the middle!

Basically it was a night full of good food and good company =P

We took pictures at the table...

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Jaz, Amelia and Lynn

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Tara, Zecca and Jaz

We even took pictures in the toilet (Palate Palette's got a really cool mirror!)

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Tara and Lynn! Hehe =P

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All of us!

Thanks again to the wonderful people at Palate Palette for the good time!

There are definitely extra benefits to being an ME Girl ;P

Oh, well, it's back to work tomorrow but for now, it's Jaz, Amelia, Zecca, Lynn and Tara saying... Toooodles! =D

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