Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tara, Lynn and a Tree

Helloo! Tara and Lynn here again!

As usual our day starts off with pampering our Baby Cooper, loading him up and washing him and down and also feeding him.

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Lynn feeding Baby Cooper

After that, we were off to USJ to give people that extra boost of energy they need to make it through the rest of the day!

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Once everyone in USJ was energised and we knew our work was done there we headed back to Red Bull HQ to tuck Baby Cooper in for the night.

Unfortunately, Lynn spotted a tree on the way back and suddenly just stopped the car so she could climb it.

Don't believe? See for yourself la!

Lynn acting like a monkey =P

Betul-betul dah gila dia, kan? =P

Okok dah, Tara and Lynn signing off till next time... *muaks*

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