Saturday, January 23, 2010

ShowDown2010 audition

yo... is "Double E in the house" hahaha. (Edwina & Elsie) we went to do sampling at Sarawak Tourism Centre (Old Court House) today :) there was a 8TV's ShowDown Dance Crew Reality Show Auditions held there. besides, there was also a same audition held at KK, Sabah today as well. our target today was dancing crew, judges, and other staffs.

let's take a look at the photos =P

ShowDown2010 ^^

Sarawak Tourism Centre (Old Court House)

da dancing crew ~

the judges
p/s : didn't took much photos today =(

well... we would like to say "HAPPY birthday" to our dearest ME gal - Jasmin. is her bday today, 23rd Jan 2010. happy 20th bday!!!

tat's all from us.
have a nice weekend, ladiesss ^^

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