Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ME Team 13.01.10

Hi !

Aaaannndddd we are back !~

Leo is ok now!~ thanks for everybody's concern ^^
We have started our schedule since last week and we even have new team member! Meet Fifi !
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Anyhoo this week we are focusing on sampling students as most colleges just started their new semesters with new students!~ (and of course we are still hunting for new team members hehe)

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Today we started with Inti College at Putatan, its about 30 minutes from office ^^ Fiona studied here so we managed to have 'all access' today hahaha..we enter the library, students lounge, computer lab and more ^^

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We met a kind lecture than brings us in to his class too. Wah~ thank yew thank yew ^^ we were kinda stressed as we have to do group sampling but i think it make us feel more brave while speaking to the public (and of course it reflect how confident we are too since working as ME hehhehe..)

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And look who do we met today! Janeeeettt we misses youuuuuu =)

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Next location, Unitar ^^
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There is not many students here today as most have left ..aiyah~ we were stuck at jam so we missed the perfect time. But its ok~~ will catch them next time ^^

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It was raining here in KK..i guess that is better than super hot & humid weather?

See you guys soon!~

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