Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Chong!!

Hello all!!

Tara here blogging on behalf of Chong...
Just wanna share a small tit bit on Chong.

Well, yesterday after her shift as she was cleaning up the car something bad happened! =0

The vacuum cleaner she was using caused a power trip! *gasp!*
Luckily, most of the office staff was using laptops so it ran on battery....however, Kak Wan was not so lucky! She was using a desk top..sooooo all her work was gone! (haha~ oops, i mean..oh no!)
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too..."

"The vacuum did it!"

As Chong felt really bad about it, today she came with a peace offering for Kak Wan!
Aha! A yummy chocolate drink from...ehem! (Sorry, gotta bleep that out ;p)

You should just see the joy on Kak Wan's face! hahaha....

Andddddd......not wanting her darling team leader (Thats Me!) to feel left out, she got me a cake! Ooooohhhhhh...YUMMY!
Tho' its abit squashed..its the thought that counts! :D
Jealous?? LOLx

Now, Kak Wan is practically scheming the next time Chong will come in for her shift...she's planning to sabotage the vacuum to cause "another power trip" wahahaha...(Just joking)

Anyways Thanx Chong!! hehe

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