Monday, January 25, 2010

My First Sampling DAy!

It is my first day of working experience with Red Bull Mobile Energizer. Today, I was assigned to be on duty with Alice. She is a good supervisor. She taught me a lot of things today. I wasn’t doing a quite good job, (still it won’t too bad because I think I still passed the test but just not that excellent, perhaps?) but luckily she didn’t FIRE me. I think I just need to practice more about that.

The venue of sampling today is at USM. I am quite nervous to do the sampling job there, especially when I had to sample a group of students who are sitting together. Some of them are friendly, some of them are acting cool and they don’t really give much response (and that really makes me even more nervous. Oh my god, please don’t treat me that way. T_T). However, I still try my best to sample those students, and also thanks to my partner was there to back up me.

When we were doing sampling, there is a lady came towards me for some surveys regarding financial planner. She’s kind of like trying to persuade me to join the insurance stuff. Well, I don’t really interested in it. Thanks for asking anyways. :P

After a day of sampling, we went back home. I am kind of tired. But still, feel quite fun and it’s a good experience. My next sampling would be in the next month. The next mission might be getting harder (sounds like mission impossible. Haha!) Well, if that is the case, hopefully I manage to “survive” in the next challenge!!!

Hi, Yin Ying on duty today!

USM students

Financial Planner survey...!

Doing a 5 min test...!

Ops, is my first opened can!

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