Monday, October 12, 2009

Rally Sprint @ Sepang!

Hello, Hello People!!

Today's ME are none other than Chong & Mun Mun..Since its Chong's debut in the blog, here is she is saying HI! LOLx

We drove Vitty today (YAY, Vitty Is Back!)
Cuz, we didn't wanna overwork NY too much by going all the way to Sepang....
We started off the day with a few laughs..

1stly, Vitty was bombarded with bird poop (Ewww..) So we had to clean it all off.. mun mun had to sacrifice her nails in order to scrape off hardened bird poo....oh yucks! ("Red Bull owes me a manicure!" -mun mun) lol

2ndly, Chong sat on a dead bee in the car! & she didn't even notice 'till we reached our destination.. muahahahaha...wonder how it got there in the 1st place tho'...

On a brighter note, the event was fun & happening and we even saw our very own Alex Yoong..! Sigh~

We also saw super cute rally cars! Check out the pics!

Overall, minus the bee and bird poo it was a great day for us..Woohoo!

Chong & Mun mun

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