Monday, October 19, 2009

Graceful ME's On Duty!

" Apa Khabar? " from Mun Mun & Rachel sampling @Media Prima's Open House. So many People, so much fun!

Our Team Leader Tara, informed us that we were required to wear traditional outfits to work. We were shocked, but duty calls, so no choice ler.. LOLx

Check out our sexy gear :p

Set up New York in our baju kebaya & kedah...Not as easy as it looks. Had to lift up part of our skirt & all..muahahaha.. Lucky Tara helped.

Thank you Tara! ;)
The One & Only Tara!

Reached Media Prima & saw loads & loads of people!
Everyone was dressed so nicely.
Sampled Red Bull to the organizers & guests at the event. Educated them about the benefits of Red Bull & how it can also help them in their daily activities.

Saw Siti Nurhaliza (She's so pretty in person!). Then Prem & Jules ran past us, giggling. lol. Spotted another chinese DJ as well.
Rachel became soooo excited when she saw a 'Justin Timberlake' lookalike..! *sigh*
But the minute he answered his phone & started talking, total turn-off! Wahahaha..
So Disappointing! Lol..

Good time flies. After finished sampling, it was time to head home.
Till' next time, byeeeee!

Lots Of Lurve,
Rachel & Mun Mun.

Rachel & Mun Mun

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