Monday, October 19, 2009

Festival of Nations

Event date: 17 Oct 2009
Venue: University Sains Malaysia (USM)

Hello, today Alice & Ming Wei on duty again.
I have to publish that our ME - Ming Wei is study in USM and she is the tour guide to bring me jalan jalan in USM. USM student organize this festival is to show different country's culture, mostly in FOOD! yummy yummy! We enjoyed our sampling today as the students here are so fun and active, seem like they are curious and excited with our Red Bull Mini Car (Terry)... Erm, some one say want to test drive our Terry!!!

Ming Wei BOY's FRIEND... just friend??

Hi, little boy.. He keep following Ming Wei on that festival day..

Hot weather with enjoy a COLD can Red Bull.. feel good!

Happy ending.. BYE!

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