Monday, October 26, 2009

Perhentian Island Challenge!

Hello people!

On the 10th of October, Red Bull ME's from KB & Central joined forces to energize participants of the Perhentian Challenge! huhu ;p

We had a great time getting sunburned (lol) at the beach while energizing wiped out participants!

Just check out pictures of our amazing time there!!

Tara & James in a boat (Thats our only form of transportation from one end to another!)

Upon arrival at Bubu Beach, we were greeted by this BIG Scary lookin' fella!! 'Gasp!'

Partipants stayed here!
Roughing it out & sleeping in camps!

On the event day, we started off by energizing the media crew who will be running along with the participants! Boy, do they really need that extra boost!

Tara (Central) & Nik (KB)

At the starting line..Ready, Set....Go!

At the finishing line - ME team had the honour of holding the tape!-

Winner of the ELITE female category!
(Drinking Red Bull after physical exertion helps reduce recovery time!!)

All in all,we had a really great time & met alot of new exciting people from all over the country!
Traveling back....(Seasick) wakakaka

Thats all from central, lookout for posts from KB on this event..coming real soon!!

ME Team taking a shot with the events crew..

-Chaloz!- ;)

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