Sunday, January 24, 2010

Red Bull Rookies..

Hello people!

Its marina & KY on duty this time round...whoosh~

Anyways, we energized the folks attending the Red Bull Rookies Media Launch on Saturday..
Heehee..and you know what that means...drift time! ;p

Check out the fun filled time we had!

Our drifter for the day..Puteri! Woots~
The passenger, Marina (All smiles before the ride - she got nauseous moments later lol - )

This is the Rookies hot ride - Diego!

*gushes* coooooolllll!!

Ok, we know this is random, but we just wanted to show you that we support recycling!!

And finally, what day would be complete without some car posing?? Here's the latest addition to the Rookie team!

Eh,eh...we oso "tak nak kalah" must pose oso!! wahahaha

Urm..wish we could blog more but we're still abit wobbly from the ride..haha
Anyways..keep in touch, we'll be blogging more soon!

See ya!

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