Sunday, January 17, 2010

One day tour in Penang

Hi, I'm Zhee Shin and she is Alice. Both of us on duty today. We can say that today sampling seem like one day tour in Penang. why? why? why? Because we enjoyed the famous "Laksa" at Kek Lok Si area... and sampling there! *Shiok*
We found an interesting item which is a "sh*t" sample, its not a real "sh*t" but its look like "sh*t".. the kedai runcit uncle said the item name as " 黃金一百兩 ".. i don't know what is that!!!
Today we sample the worker at Kek Lok Si and we enjoyed the nice view there. We sampled a lots of decoration worker in Kek Lok Si, they are preparing the lighting & decoration work for this coming Chinese New Year.. Let's share something with you all, Alice as a local Penang people but she didn't visit Penang famous temple "Kek Lok Si" for a few year already... "omg, shame shame la".

Kek Lok Si

Opss... "what smell?"
Huh... is "Sh*t".. oh dun come near me!

Decoration worker!

*Fainted* ... "are you dancing on the street with erm... 6 red ball?"

Clock out! Bye!

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