Monday, January 11, 2010

a day filled with SPORTS

hey there. is kuching ME again ^^ wad can we say? well, this Cheryl and Elsie checking in.
i'm Cheryl. and i am a newbie. =)

we went sampling round the State Stadium and we came across paintball tournament. not to mention the ground was really muddy and dirtied our shoes. however we still had fun
i'm sure they need Red Bull to increase their alertness to DEFEAT their opponents :D

our next stop was at the Cup Prix. vroommmmm vroooommm ~~ ~ ~ !!
cool outfit !

after tat we move forwards to Lawn Bowl (hmm i think not many ppl know about tis game)a unique game indeed ..

a junior & a senior

our 4th stop was the Archery ground
the coach drinking Red Bull to boost up his energy to mould better athletes.
and these are pictures of us with an athlete behind HAHAHAHAHAH

final stop Sarawak State Football Team^^ we came exactly at the right time (before the training start)

the chief *guy wid beard* and our very own Sarawak Football players!
OLE ! OLE OLE ! ~~

sampling end.
stay tune ~ !

1 comment:

Michelle said...

gosh......u girls went to sample the archer????? haiya.....i want to go ler.........should have been

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