Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Unimas University, Kuching

1st April

Hi guys, Michelle and I went to Unimas University sample students and lecturers with Red Bull
Unimas University is the eighth public university in Malaysia, and the 1st one initiated by the aspirations of Wawasan 2020.

UNIMAS offers a unique environment for teaching, learning and research!! It is a huge campus and we had to drive instead of walk around the campus to every faculty to look for our targeted consumers!! hihi ^ ^ good exercise to loose weight!!

We take the opportunity to sample students waiting at for bus to go back to their hostel ....

~ Reading leaflet seriously and experience the effect of Red Bull ~

~ Cute ....... posing with Red Bull ~

We met a group of Debate Club students who were having fun sharing their experience ... so of course sample them as well !!

~ Do you prefer Original or Less Sugar Red Bull? ~

Don't try to debate with us on Red Bull because we are very familiar with it
HAHA!! kidding O.o

Happy sampling !!

Signing off

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