Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Warm greetings from ME Kuching again!!
I was so excited to go for sampling today, cos was sick since last weekend,
did not meet my lovely ME girls, my boss, and MINI of course!!! Miss*ing .....

Well, today we went to Maktab Perguruan @ Kota Samarahan and sample the staffs there.
Its a long journey, and so pity that our MINI air-condition was not functioning, although after fixing it!!!! So, we were able to enjoy FREE Sauna in our MINI!!! Again, helps to loose weight~ HIHI**

Ok, at 1st we asked for permission to do sampling at the offices ....

~ The BOSS (with his GOOD thumb) welcomed us and love to have Red Bull ~

He allowed us to do sampling there, besides asked his staff to bring us around ... so NICE!!

~ Drink a can of Red Bull to improve your concentration while working ~
Its very effective
TRY IT!!! ^ o ^

After sampling, we sent MINI car to ICU for body check .... need to overnight there for one night and hope he is OK!!! Dont worry MINI ... HIHI **

Signing off

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