Friday, April 3, 2009

Blur Without Red Bull!

Today's Stars are...

CMM: Chiah Mun Mun
DAP: Dian Amanda Pereira
VITTY: Vitara

Word Of The Day!
Joyfully Haha-ing = Laughing (Duh!)

The Story begins...

DAP & CMM is on duty today to energize working adults, drivers & people at sports at Pandan Perdana...However, we both were a little tired from college, that we were a little blur :{

We reached office & completed the usual set up & everything..
Left the office & fed VITTY & off we went..As we were nearly to our destination, CMM asked DAP to check the map book, & this was our conversation :-

CMM: Dee, check the map book!
DAP : ..Huh, what?! where?!.... 0_o
CMM: ...The map know, the book that shows the route of klang valley.... :
DAP : ..Oh...Haha (Joyfully haha-ing)

[DAP searches for map book]

DAP : Eh, Mun where did you put the map book??
CMM: Err...How am i suppose to know? took it rite?
DAP : Huh?!!? No i didn't..i thought you did..
CMM: ..................
DAP : ..................
Together : ...........Oh S#%* (this has been bleep for viewers sake :) )
CMM: How now brown cow?! (This is just a term of endearment for DAP..hehe)

[DAP starts joyfully haha-ing....& CMM joined in]

On the bright side we, thanks to GPS Lady (CMM), eventually found our way there.. :)

Moral of the story..
Drink Red Bull to energize yourselves before you get lost & blur like us!

Conclusion :- DAP & CMM learned our lesson & drank Red Bull,...(no mishaps after that)


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