Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Partying at Palate Palette!

Five of us writing in to you this time because today's post is very, very special =)

Last night, the cool people from Red Bull actually took us out for a night of fun at the very cool Palate Palette!

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Jaz, Lynn, Tara, Zecca and Amelia

Since the next day was a public holiday, our Mamasan decided that it would be a good time to take us out since we've been such good girls to her so far, going out and energizing people all over Klang Valley.

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Us girls with our Mamasan in the middle!

Basically it was a night full of good food and good company =P

We took pictures at the table...

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Jaz, Amelia and Lynn

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Tara, Zecca and Jaz

We even took pictures in the toilet (Palate Palette's got a really cool mirror!)

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Tara and Lynn! Hehe =P

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All of us!

Thanks again to the wonderful people at Palate Palette for the good time!

There are definitely extra benefits to being an ME Girl ;P

Oh, well, it's back to work tomorrow but for now, it's Jaz, Amelia, Zecca, Lynn and Tara saying... Toooodles! =D

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tara, Lynn and a Tree

Helloo! Tara and Lynn here again!

As usual our day starts off with pampering our Baby Cooper, loading him up and washing him and down and also feeding him.

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Lynn feeding Baby Cooper

After that, we were off to USJ to give people that extra boost of energy they need to make it through the rest of the day!

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Once everyone in USJ was energised and we knew our work was done there we headed back to Red Bull HQ to tuck Baby Cooper in for the night.

Unfortunately, Lynn spotted a tree on the way back and suddenly just stopped the car so she could climb it.

Don't believe? See for yourself la!

Lynn acting like a monkey =P

Betul-betul dah gila dia, kan? =P

Okok dah, Tara and Lynn signing off till next time... *muaks*

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beauty Salons and Baskin Robbins!

Hi everyone!

Sally here, the new ME doing the rounds with Zecca, the crazy ME!

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I'm the one on the right, Zecca's on the left!

After our usual rounds of checking and loading the mini we set off for another day of energizing tired people who need a little pick-me-up!

We went around USJ today and was a little disappointed when we saw USJ 3 and 4 was a little quiet but luckily USJ 10 was packed and FULL of cars.

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Look at all those cars!

Baby Cooper looks so small next to some of these other cars =P

We went to almost every shop there was in that area including...

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a pet shop,

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a car accessory shop,

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a beauty salon,

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and even a spa centre!

The best stop of the day however?

No doubt about it, it was Baskin Robbins - the people there were really sweet and nice and all around wonderful!

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The wonderful people at Baskin Robbins

Oh, and they also gave us free ice-cream! =D

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Hehehehe! =P

Just one of the many perks of being an ME girl =D

Till next time, this is Sally and Zecca... Signing off!

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Byeeeee! =P

Friday, January 11, 2008

Posing and Parks!

Hello! It's Lynn again, writing in today to introduce our newest Mobile Energizer Jaz!

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That's the two of us (I'm the prettier one on the right hehe... Just kidding! =P) driving off for another day of energizing!

Hari ini we went to go sampling kat Subang Recreational Park, which is a pretty new experience for us :D

At first it felt weird to sample people around there so we decided to get more comfortable by camwhoring a little first! Hehehehe…

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Hehe... Okok back to work otherwise sure kena marah!

We had a bit of a problem at the park because everytime we sampled people they keep thinking we are trying to sell them stuff! We had to explain to them that what we do is sampling and then suddenly EVERYONE wants a can!

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We even had to jog alongside some of them to tell them all about Red Bull! That's easier said than done you know... Our sampling bags aren't light, ok? =P

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So anyway after what turned out to be a really tiring but what was quite fun sampling session over at the parks it was time to head back to the office to write to you!

Jaz and Lynn signing off! Don't miss us too much, ya? *muaks*

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lamborghinis and Lizards!

Haha… The day started off with the silliest act ever… Just because we missed our ‘baby’ (the Red Bull Mini Cooper) so much after having not seen him for nearly two weeks! *sigh*

We started talking to him and to our horror several passer-bys actually caught us in the midst of our displays of affection for our Baby Cooper!

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Lynn, Tara and Baby Cooper!

So anyway back to work – the first pick of the day was Lamborghini!

Of course being the models (haha!) that we are, we couldn’t help ourselves and started posing near the cars and taking tons and tons of pictures and just plain went crazy for about 2 minutes =P

Coming quickly back to our senses we made our normal rounds of sampling factories and offices...

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While we were there… Unbelievable! One of the old guys developed a ‘crush’ on Tara! He just kept asking for her number… Aiyooo… olang tua tak sedar diri! But obviously she didn’t give la… Hehehe =P

After that biasa la we go head back to the office... But of course before that must take summore pictures first!

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Then then then on the way back we had to stop in the middle of the road because suddenly we saw a very big lizard crossing the road!

It was going veeery, veeery sowly too! Both of us freaked out for about 2 and a half seconds before we suddenly teringat we had a camera so we just started taking pictures!

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Can you see it? Okay so maybe it looks a lot bigger in real life! =P

Anyhooo... That’s all for today… Till next time… Toooodles! =D

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