Friday, May 1, 2009

A very eventful day!

Hello hello!

Today Central's Mobile Energizers team attended two events! Woohoo...
Below are the details, so pls feel free to read on....

Mun Mun & Dian's story

Holla! It's strawberry & pineapple again! Today we sampled & energized at the APIIT & UCTI Sports Carnival held@ Rakan Muda Sports Centre.

We expected football, volleyball & so on, BUT guess what we saw there?!

Gladiators, tug of war, busting balloons, futsal, badminton, netball, and the coolest of all was rock climbing!! How nice if we had a rock climbing session for the team... *hint hint* *nudge nudge* ;)

The games were fun & also funny & the best part were the students! All nice and friendly LOL!

Even the lecturers were awesome! He gives his students A+! (time to transfer to APIIT ;) )

However, we almost died of heat stroke :(

So we put on our Red Bull caps (Dian has her own but Mun Mun had to borrow from Tara..ahaks)

Oh yea...we took pics with the DJ's as well (one was quite cute..hehe what do you think tara?)

Hehe..bouncing off is Mun Mun & Dian! Tata!

Rachel & Luann's story

Hye!! We sampled an event today. Phew, not easy this time, was expecting lots of hotties (thought it was like a prom night thingy) :(

Boy, were we wrong...Turn out to be loads & loads of middle age guys... Not really our type hehe!

We had a bit of a rough start, and in the beginning lots of them asked if Red Bull had alcohol, & when we said no they were like "Oh then help me call the beer girl" o.0

BUT things ended up ok in the end.

Some of them turned out to be really friendly & nice. They were really interested about Red Bull and joked bout the Red Bull TV ad & one table even wanted to pay us for the Red Bull!

But being our angelic selves *bangga*, we honestly told them "Oh we're only sampling, not selling"

All in all, it was a good day ler, but here's hoping that next time, there will be more hotties! =D

Till next time Ex Oh Ex Oh!

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