Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Out & About

Hi there!
Fiona here from ME Team, KK ^^

We've been busy going around sampling this week targeting many types of consumer!

We were out sampling people working at the shops area in Kepayan Square, giving energy to tired shop/office workers. Since we always came out and meet them around 2 to 4 in the afternoon, it's the the most tiring time for them~ (after lunch etc etc they are normally feeling sleepy and lazy and just wish to go home asap so a can of Red Bull is the perfect energy booster!)

Red Bull

*here's a flyer for you miss-fiona*

Red Bull
*we have two choices here; this is original and this is less sugar, which one would you prefer?-fiona (again)*

Red Bull

*Red Bull bulleh ! hehehehe- zila*

We also drop by a sport centre and managed to find a few swimmers ~~

Red Bull

*ya~~if you drink this sure can do more laps as it increase your endurance- fiona*

Then we went to 'attack' a team of downhill riders at a hidden spot in Bukit Padang ! This team have been preparing for the upcoming BORNEO DOWNHILL CHALLENGE this weekend. We managed to catch them riiiiiiggghhhtttt before they start. Its best to sample them before they start as they have to walk all the way up the hill pushing their bike along and that 30 minutes walk alone will require a lot of energy!!

Red Bull Malaysia
*happy riders*

Till next time, see you!

Red Bull

*'Model' Zila & 'Happy' Fiona with 'Cute' Leo*

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