Tuesday, May 5, 2009

KK Team

Hi peeps ~

Red Bull Malaysia

Aina and Fiona here.. we finally have new camera (again!) so weeeeeeee!
*doing little dances around Leo*

Anyhoo we have been uber busy for the past few days. We were at KK Airport Terminal to sample the taxi and tour bus drivers there!

Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia

The drivers (especially tour drivers) always have to drive long hours without much rest especially when they drive up to the mountains. We advise them to drink a bottle of Red Bull so that they can focus on the road and also to improve their endurance.

While sampling few securities outside, we were invited to sample the staff at work inside! *JACKPOT!*.. this is such a lucky and rare opportunities so we were pretty happy.

Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia
Red Bull Malaysia

The staff seems very tired so we immediately sampled them with Red Bull and give them a dash of energy for their day ^^

Oh ya! Miss Liew from Kuching was in KK last week for a short visit ^^..she gave us training and also came and visit while we were sampling..nice meeting you Miss Liew ^^..here's our picture together!

Red Bull Malaysia

This is Aina & Fiona, signing out... till next time !
Bai Bai !

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