Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tara, Marina and New York at Bkt Damansara!

Hi Everyone!

Mobile energizers on the job today are Tara and Marina.... and of course New York! First of, we did our set up. Engine oil(checked), Radiator water(checked), Load stock(checked)...etc(the list goes on)

Marina and Tara

FINALLY, we are done and now we're off to Bkt Damansara. As usual before beginning our journey, we first have to energize New York with some fuel and us, a can of RED BULL! ;-)

hAPPY sMILES turn to embarrassed ones when we realise that we were LOST! (aiya, how can sesat?) hehe wrong turning la. ;o

No worries, after consulting the map book(and being the smart girls that we are), we managed to unlost ourselves and reached the location safe and sound. :)

All the people at Bkt Damansara were friendly and willing enough to give red bull a go.

educating consumer on red bull gold and less sugar

energizing a "pilot"?... hmm

We couldn't gain entry to the offices in the 1st floor so, we had to content ourselves to just the shoplots on the ground floor. :( Making the best of the situation, we gave our best and had fun energizing restaurant staff as well as boutique owners.

even camera shy pple, need energy!

crashing into kitchen area!! :)

Done with energizing the folks at Bkt Damansara, we packed up our bags with smiles on our faces despite the rainy wheather knowing we had done our share of duty educating and energizing a little more of Klang Valley.

Marina and Tara signing off

We'll blog again. See ya! ;)

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