Monday, November 3, 2008

klang valley mobile energizers.

Hello, today mobile energizer girls on duty are Tara and Dian!!
Students of KDU College were the lucky ones today for we were sampling them. Due to last min changes we had to crash-in. Therefore, we had to find a "strategic" spot to sample the students and we found a spot which was bout 100m-150m from the college.
KDU in the background
Just as we were ready to energizes students it started to rain.... HEAVILY!! so we decided to look around for other opportunities to sample while waiting for the rain to stop. However, as we were prepared to leave the area the sun came out and boy was it hot *burning burning*
Tara with the umbrella
Dian also with the umbrella
here are a few pic of us on duty...
sampling with an umbrella..
educating students on REDBULL
sampling "other opportunities"
energizing a future chef..
well, looks like were done here.. hence, its time for us to pack up and head back to the office to blog bout our day.
done wit work.. *peace*
tats all for now till we blog again bye bye.

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