Monday, November 10, 2008

Bev & Ray in Action XDD

Hi ! Bev and Rachel here !~

Our target on the 5th November was the people in Lintas Plaza. And on the 4th November, due to heavy rain and Leo's poor health condition, we had limited time to sample people there, and most of the offices there looked scary with their tinted windows and doors, and their "NO SALESMAN, NO DONATIONS, NO PROMOTER" signs *sigh~*

We ended up going back with a little more stock than expected.

Nevertheless! Today, 5th November, we were determined!So we went in every shop possible, from stationary shops,to pharmacies. There was no stopping us.

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By 4:00pm, victory was ours! *Yeah VICTORY~*

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We finished every single can of Redbull we had!

see you next time!


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