Monday, February 23, 2009

Jaz & mun mun saying hellllooo!

Hello again everyone!

Today we're gonna blog about the motorsport event held at Atria..
We had loads of fun sampling & energizing the organizers as well as the participants!
Our Favourite part of the event was watching all the little mini control cars racing around the track.

Of course besides taking pics of the cars we couldn't help but do some poses of our own as well..! hehe.

Here are some pics of us posing away & energizing the participants!

Future models...? hihi

Aha! Time to energize a participant before the race!

Ready, Set, GO! Vroom vroom!

Half time! Drink Redbull to increase concentration & focus! Yeay!

oops..! :( time for us to reload! ;)

Can we get a mini like this...please?! ...oh we still love New worries!

Jaz & mun mun saying Sayonara!

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