Sunday, February 22, 2009

Go Go Bulleh

Go Go Bullleh .... here we are (Vivian + Michelle) out for sampling at 3rd Mile today!!
We crashed into people's office to surprise and energize them with Red Bull =)
We guessed they might be feeling sleepy and tired after their heavy lunch 0.o

Nice pose!!

Enjoy drinking Red Bull till Closing his eyes!! haha ^ ^

we also sampled staff of travel agent...

Reading RB leaflet seriously

Office lady ~ recommended her to drink Red Bull Less Sugar.

On the way, we met Miss Liew's friend, Lucas (our motorsports opinion leader, in blue shirt) and he suggested us to go COSAMA to sample those go cart drivers!! Of course, we were pleased to go ....

Mr. Don - the boss!!! he's a very humoruous person!!
Keep on saying that he wanted to SQUEEZE his stomach when we took his photo!!! muahaha

Michelle sampling the mechanic

WOW ... had fun with those go cart drivers and enjoyed the day of sampling!!!!

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