Monday, January 5, 2009

The Search is OVER!

The Search is finally OVER!

The end of 2008 was very hectic with us, what with travelling all around the nation for the last legs of the roadshows.

Dataran Pahlawan, Melaka

We'd like to thank everybody from Melaka, Penang, Johor, KL, Selangor, Kota Bahru, Kuala Terengganu and Kota Kinabalu for coming out to see us and to join in on the fun.

Over 2,500 girls signed up to be in the running to be a Red Bull Rookie and over the past two weeks we've had the tough task of finding our Top 30 Finalists.

Some of the participants at 1Borneo, Kota Kinabalu

Some of the participants at Sutera Mall, Skudai

So the team is hard at work now sorting through all your applications and deliberating over who should come for the session which will be held in February!

Some of the participants from Republic @ Sunway Pyramid

We hate having to choose only 30 girls since you girls were all so amazing we'd love to be able to keep all of you but unfortunately that just isn't possible =(

So thanks again for taking part in the Search, keep an eye out on this space as we will be announcing the winners very VERY soon *cough* January 12th! *cough* ;)

Could YOU join Leona and Puteri this year as a member of the Red Bull Rookies?

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