Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy CNY from MET Kota Kinabalu !

Hi Again! ME Team KK again ^^

We were at Lion and Dragon Dance Festival held at Padang Merdeka last weekend. It was exciting as there were many people to sample and the event itself was really fun! Lion and Dragon Dance Festival are performances from world champion lion and dragon dance troupes in conjunction of Chinese New Year.

We sampled Red Bull to the performers, organizers, sponsors and media. We gave out Redbull angpau packets too!

Afterwards we rushed over to UMS as we have another event to attend which is Pesta Angpau. The day before that, we also attended the rehearsal in which we sampled the performers who are tired from dancing all day long!

It was a really tiring Saturday and we have lots of fun meeting many people from all walks of life.

Happy Chinese New Year !

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