Tuesday, August 17, 2010

sExY dAy @ ~Go CaRt DeMo~ eVeNt

HoLa, everyone........here comes the Kuching team back to rumble the city again. Well first of all, I would like to apologize for the wrong posting into the contest side...Lol............Never get tired of any work ever.............fun, cool, crazy, and etc is what best describe all the ME Girlz Kuching........Let's head to the story before I go any further.........Here it goes........Once a upon a time, there were 3 girls who were present at the Go Cart demo event under the hot hot sun........
Here, basically you can see this cool pass for us as part of the joining sponsor for these whole event......
Cool huh??? This is actually my first time going to an event needing the Red Bull Arch and basically for all of us present there................Oh wow.....so nice.....and so sexy enjoying our day there............
(Caryn: Where got really enjoy? Hot till it burns my skin. Luckily, I apply my sunblock at home)
(Hui Ching: No comment)
Lol............talk more or else................ No forgiveness for that..........
(Caryn: Lol, okok......sorry girls............)It was busy for all of us the whole morning where we have to reach the office by 6am and starts all the work.........(Caryn: Michelle always got complaint for being so absent-minded)
Lol, maybe......I agree too at all times............
(Caryn: Kesian her........lol, *evil grin*- feeling nice actually seeing my own couz got complaint, wakakaka)Don't think I don't know what's in your mind, Caryn........hmmmm..........*mad face looking at her cousin, Caryn*(Caryn: Sorry lar)Let's just shut up and continue the stories........ok???Here we continue,
The carters getting ready their own cart to rumble the track.........*just that the carters are not the one who are getting ready...........

Crowd joining in the preparations for the race demo.........Red Bull is always present there......hahaha
This is basically the track for the carters' pit stop .......The carters racing all their way in the demo..........it was really cool cause u can actually had the feeling of seeing the F1 go cart...........Not F1 in terms of Formula one...........Duh.......Lol
(Caryn: Can you concentrate in the storyline plz? U r talking too much)
*starred at Caryn*
(Caryn: Hmmmmm, ok I know what I should do)!!!!!*Sweat*
The Carters......The police on duty..............Smart and Hot......*Panas*(Caryn: *Sweat*- looking at her cousin, hmmmmm.)
The posing for Red Bull..................

That's all for now from team Kuching..........Stay tuned for more upcoming blogs..........

Written by:
Michelle Toh

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