Monday, August 30, 2010

Hail From the the South~! JayBee ~!

Hi all bloggers and readers and MEs from other counterparts of Malaysia, We are the new MEs in JB~!

Let me introduce ME team in Jaybee:

This is Elena, our marketing coordinator
Description: the strict one.. who always give us tests..

And the one beside her is me~! Elaine here btw..

Some more pictures for me~!!!! *I wanna be on the news~!!!* hahax
Description: The "garang" one

This is the doll of Jaybee~! Emma
Description: The fair one

The straight forward one... Maz
Description: the mancung hidung one

This is Fifa
The scarf girl~!

*this is to be edited with a full picture with Adventure PS: its our ME car~!

to be continued... TIA~!

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