Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ME Team Kota Kinabalu 101109

Hi again!~ Fiona & Charlotte here.
Sorry for being MIA recently ..sigh~..but we are back !~

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We went to all the colleges in KK recently to sample the students (since its finals week this month ^^) and also to promote our new event Battle of Borneo III ! We are hunting for new MEs as well as few of our ME sisters are planning to take really long leave till 2010 ..=(

Anyhoo..we went to T.A.R College and ATI and manage to get permission to sample inside the classes !

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Fiona then spotted a bus driver who looked like he really need energy ..hehehhe

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We are really excited this month as our event is coming up! is you are in KK don't forget to come and watch it ok! Its on 21 and 22 November at 1Borneo =)

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