Sunday, November 1, 2009

Level Up with Kenny Sia

Hi guys, its me and michelle on the board today, lets check out for the day!

For those who are fans of Kenny Sia - the famous blogger who were just awarded the Best Entertainment Blog at Nuffnang's Asia Pacific Blog Awards - sure knows bout his secret project, the LEVEL UP FITNESS CENTER!.

It was landed last Friday 30th October, the grand opening was glorious with approximately 400 guests attended to congratz Kenny Sia and the charming emcee Stephanie Chai sponsored by the wedding guide to host the ceremony!

We were there early morning @ 8.30am, dear MINI had lil prob so have to use my car KENARI as temporary sampling car. May consider to rent out my car as temporary sampling car cos its quite suitable ... haha ^^

We started the day by sampling the staffs, press release, gym instructors, performers and the most crucial >> Kenny Sia!! I bet he loves it very much as he drank 3 cans of Red Bull, especially original version. He said he needs Red Bull to take a breathe, and that's definitely the most intelligent choice. cOOl :)

Lets look at the preview ....
Sampling crops ....
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The Fitness center ...

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

The misc ...

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

This might be my last time to blog here due to my departure to further my study, yet i'll always miss all the ME girls, not only in my region but also other regions, though i never meet up with some of the gals from other regions but i did follow up with their news through this wonderful blog, hihi ^^. Big thankz to Miss Liew, my bossie, who had guided and taught me a lot since i joined the Red Bull family. Really enjoy the moment i do sampling with my dear dear dear ME team, and i'll always make it in my mind.

As a Red Bull ME girl is really impressive and you'll never regret once u join the Family!!
Miss you guys ... hugz!!

ViViAn **


Ming Wei said...

Ming Wei here..huh, Vivian, where are you going for further study?

vivian O_* vivi ~ wen wen said...

Hi Ming Wei, i'll continue at INTI College, at the same time be a lecturer there as part time as well ^^ How are u recently? Hows ur team at penang? Take k :)

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