Monday, September 14, 2009

Rants Alert !

* this is a ranting post by ME TEAM KK. alert ! alert ! *


OH MY GOSH ~~ something is wrong with our camera, cammie. we cant event take proper picture with it anymore and we really dont know what's wrong with it ~~ *cry*

see the picture below, can you see that that its BLURRY on the LEFT side ???

Victim 1
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Victim 2
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how can that beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ?????
every single picture is similar to the above and its so so so annoying *cry*
oh noooooooooo T_T

anybody out there that can maybe give tips on how to fix it ? we already try every single google tips out there. sigh~ if it wont change till next week i guess the cammie have to enter hospital ...

sigh ....


*normal posting shall resume shortly..albeit with blurry photos....*

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