Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fun@Fastreet Fest

Hello people!!

Hahah, today ME's on duty is none other than Miss Sexy Rachel and Miss Crazy Kelly!

For today we will be sampling an event called Fastreet Fest held in Kompleks Rakan Muda, Bukit Kiara....Below are recounts of the day!

5.30 PM - Arrived at office to find the shutter closed! Oh no, did we miss out on something??
( Heheh...Tara was actually in the office, but since its Saturday and our shift started quite late, office shutter was closed for safety reasons..whew~)

5.30 PM 'till 6.30 PM - Normal set up (Today we're bringing out New York with us) and we're off to our destination...but NY was not in a good mood as he grumbled along the way..after a little coaxing, he cheered up :)

7.00 PM - Reached destination and met up with the organizers! As usual, the star of the day was not us but New York....* Jealous * In order to share the limelight with our vain friend, we charmed our way into the hearts of the people with Red Bull and our dazzling personality
* winkz *

7.30 PM 'till 9.15 PM - Educated and energized the people and organizers after they break fast... We even met Alam (from 'so u think u can dance') and were given VIP treatment! HAHA..he introduced us around and even went through the trouble of getting us some titbits to munch! Sigh~ what a dear!

9.15 PM 'till 10.00 PM - Made our way back with happy smiles on our face! for a few pictures of the day!

Happy to pose with New York

They were SOOOO interested in NY....they even checked out his engine!!

Snapping a picture of us as we snap a picture of him!

Check out the cool graffiti!

Going crazy over Red Bull?? Cool tattoos tho'

Hahah..thats all for now, don't want to be hogging this blog :)

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