Thursday, July 16, 2009

night life with RedBull..

Hey there..

As u all may not know ;) central team has finally started night shift (sad for Tara cause now she has to plan out four shift a day..) but lucky for us we get to sample those in most need of RedBull to energizes their night.. :D

Since its night shift it would not be save for two girls to be walking around sampling workers driver and people in leisure hence we've got driver/body guards following us now..

Therefore, i shall introduce you to our 3 new driver/body guards :)

Firstly we introduce Eric
( will find a clearer pic of him )

His currently studying law and his in love wit BIKEs. His always talking about cars and bikes.

Second of all Zaidi

( see his always stand quite a distance from us )

When he is around you'll feel really safe because he really act like a body guard.. He'll be 50m away from us at all time..

and the last one is Oliver also know as Kau

( his dress this way bec he had a class field trip before work )

His currently studying business admin and his a huge fan of Batman :D He talks a lot and can be real annoying but his a sweet heart..

Now i shall let the pic do the talking. these are some of the places we have been so far.. :D

Thats all from me, DAP.... have a wonderful day.. *peace*

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