Saturday, July 25, 2009

KB Team - Karnival Futsal & Sport Karnival


Untuk minggu ni, KB team g sampling tuk 2 event.... KB team ado 2 ore ME gurls jah loni (farah liyana & nadia) kte ore terpaksa gilir-gilir untuk g wat sampling kt event tu....

Karnival Futsal at Real 7,Pasir Tumboh
For this event, Nik & Farah on duty.

Kte ore mula sampling pada pukul 2pm till 5.3pm....hok besh nya, kte ore di sambut meriah sbb team Futsal tu sume nya biasa minum Red Bull da...huhuhuhu...

masa kte ore sampai tu....1st team mula kte ore terpaksa tunggu untuk sampling kt pemain futsal tu...huhuhuhu

Sports Carnival with Masterskill University college
Nik & Nadia on duty.

Event ni memey havoc la....hehehehehe...sebab nadia join main sukaneka sama.....
lecturer n student sume nya sporting-sporting....

Guess which one lecturer n student???hehehehe

geng2 lecturer benti rehat sambey minum Red bull....

photo time...weeee....tapi kte ore diketepikan dalam pic ni...huhuhuhu
by da way....kte ore enjoy wat sampling kt event ni....

dats all from our team....(^_^)

1 comment:

looksee said...

good post coming from East Coast, hope to see more!

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