Sunday, June 14, 2009

Update 150609

Hi everybody~

TraC and Eyna again =) *like our new name's spelling?*

Recently we went to Putatan Grand Plaza. For the month of June, our coordinator decided that we shall be spreading Red Bull energy to the town of Putatan (about 30 minutes from KK). For the 1st stop, we were here to sample the office workers, shop keepers and the many car workshops in the area.

Red Bull Malaysia

We choose to park Leo in front of Pizza hut as it's facing the main road.

Red Bull Malaysia

For today, we focus on sampling RBX to ladies!~~ RBX is preferred by ladies as its less sweet than the original. however the taurine, glucoronolactone and caffeine amount is similar. since working ladies need continuous energy even at home, consuming Red Bull will give them the extra 'oomph' that they need!

Red Bull Malaysia

The people here at Grand Plaza are very sporting and we discover that most of them knew about Red Bull and always drink it (original version).

We are a bit unlucky as suddently the camera's batter finished! haaaaihhh! must make sure battery full next time -_-;;. we did managed to take picture together tho tho!

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HAHHAHAAAAHAHA. Just Kidding ^^ That's not us =)

till next time then.. tata!

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