Monday, June 22, 2009

Car mania!!

Hellow lovely people!

Last Saturday, me(kim) & michelle attended an event in Euphoria Sunway!
Name of the event?.....Ignition...

vroom vroom...lolx

At first, we got a 'little' distracted with all the cool cars surrounding us..

This car is pure carbon wey...!

Check out the rims on this car!..oh I feel faint....

After we had a fill of drooling over the cars, we started energizing everyone...
from the organizers, to the drivers & also the spectators....ooohhhh..

We even managed to camwhore with the photographers!...That reminds me, i got to track 'em down to get my pictures! Haha....

Overall, we had fun...and the best part of the day?...The cars of course..what else?!

c ya!

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