Monday, April 27, 2009

S'wak Amatuer Golf 24th - 26th April

Hi guys, warm greetings from Kuching Mobile Energizers!!
How are you guys? We were glad that we were able to continue our sampling again,
We are going to events and sampled people with Red Bull. HOORAY!!

S'wak Amateur Golf Championship was held from 24th to 26th @ Damai Golf & Country Club,
so we were there to sample and energize the golfers!!

Our beloved MINI is still in ICU (he got into an accident), luckily Miss Liew drove us there.
There were 160 golfers participating in this prestigious Championship.

Who's on duty?
24th & 26th - Kendy & VIvian
25th - Michelle & Karen ( no photos available, sorry!)

Golfers tee-ing off ...

Sampled the golfers at cross-over, to recharge their energy in order for them to play better because RED BULL helps improve/increase their concentration and physical endurance!!
~ Red Bull gives you WINGS ~

If you find Red Bull too sweet, may mix with Water, keep you hydrated and energised!!

Charming girls were sweeter than Less Sugar!!! :)

Signing off =)
Vivian **

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