Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Holla people!! ;)
Dian & mun mun on duty today!
We went to Taylor's University College (main campus) today for the oh-so-fun
ADVENTURACE 2009 organized by the Sky Adventure Club.

As usual, we had to set up our beloved New York first before beginning our journey.

Break the ice!!

After setting up, we're ready to leave!
We dropped by the petrol station first to feed our hungry New York..
Then we're off!

We reached there & sampled the organizers & contestants.
FYI, Adventurace is a competition ala the Amazing Race. Hehe.

After a while we noticed them calling each other yummy nicknames such as pizza, cookie & cheese!
Apparently they have nicknames because they go on adventures in jungles, etc so its 'pantang' to call real names (boohoo).
So, we decided to get names for ourselves too!
Dian will be pineapple & mun mun is strawberry!
0.o LOL!

Thats all for today....
pineapple & strawberry signing off!

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